
&寫作攻略 【準備TOEFL托福必勝機經】知己知彼百戰不殆2


🔵 題型 

IBT口語共包括六道題。 【準備TOEFL托福必勝機經】知己知彼百戰不殆2






  1. 表達
  2. 話題的展開
  3. 語言的使用

🔷 口語部分


  • 問題可能包括:一個你去過的地方、一件你生命中重要的事情、一個影響你的人或者一項你喜歡的活動… 等。
  • 在你看到問題後,你有15秒的思考時間,然後有45秒的作答時間,你可以用筆寫下簡略的提示。
  • 答案既需要有描述(比如一件「什麼事情」很重要… 等),也需要有解釋(比如「為什麼」它很重要… 等)。
  • 在答案中應當包括具體的細節或例子,這樣使你的描述包含更多的資訊,解釋讓人更容易理解。


  • 這個問題涉及到的話題包括學生感興趣的方方面面:比如在家學習好還是在圖書館學習好、學生學的課程應該廣些好還是專些好、應該要求學生住寢室還是准許他們住校外… 等。
  • 同問題1一樣,你有15秒的考慮時間和45秒的回答時間。

🔷 整合口語專案:


  • 準備時間為30秒,回答時間為60秒,這個問題的話題可能包括學校的政策、規章制度,計畫、校園設施,校園生活品質… 等,在整個過程中,你都可以記筆記。
  • 短文可能是各種形式的,比如來自學校管理部門的一個介紹新停車規則的公告、一封寫給校園報紙的編輯、關於學校限制寢室收音機使用新政策的書信,或者是一篇發表在校園報紙上討論建一個新足球場的文章。
  • 讀完文章後,會聽到兩個人對話,討論你剛才看到的文章所說的內容。
  • 短文除了描述建議(提議)以外,通常還有兩條支持或反對的理由.閱讀文章很短,通常是75~100字,你將會有充足的時間去閱讀它(40~45秒)。




  • 這個問題的話題可能包括生命科學、社會科學、物理科學和人文科學
  • 回答時間為60秒。
  • 閱讀短文長度為75~100詞,它為你理解後面將聽到的演講提供了背景知識。
  • 通常閱讀短文會概括地抽象地去說明一個問題,而聽力短文則會具體地有針對性地去說明它,通常是提供一個拓展的例子、反例或概念的運用。
  • 問題仍然是要你總結你所看到的和聽到的內容。


  • 回答時間為60秒。
  • 通常對話雙方是兩個學生、學生和教授、學生和學校工作人員(助教、圖書管理員、行政人員… 等)
  • 對話中討論的難題可能是日程衝突、不可避免的缺席、無法獲取的資源、學生選舉、經濟困難… 等。
  • 對話的時間為60~90秒。


  • 演講的時間從60秒到90秒,集中討論一個話題。
  • 通常開頭會以定義一個概念、重點提及一個問題或者是介紹一種現象,然後會討論關於它的重要方面,演講會包含有助於闡明概念或問題的例子。
  • 問題讓你利用所聽到的資訊解釋這個概念或問題。
  • 演講的內容可能包括任何方面的進程、方法、理論、觀點或現象。
 托福口語標準解析 - 【準備托福必勝機經】知己知彼百戰不殆2

🔵 TOEFL口語標準解析

首先,我們先看一下OG裡關於 Topic Development 的內容:
Response is sustained and sufficient to the task. It is generally well developed and coherent ; relationships between ideas are clear (or clear progression of ideas).

1. sustained& sufficient:
有些同學在這裡會有疑問:是不是給出的理由越多越好,這樣才能足夠 sufficient?答案一定是否定的。

在每一個 presentation 的過程中,建議選擇 2 ~ 3 個理由。

TOEFL口說不同於其他的人對人考試,時間是電腦設定好的,在電腦螢幕上只能看到倒數計時,時間一到錄音就會停止。如果我們只是差一個 conclusion 沒有完成,還不太影響整體效果;但是如果是理由和支持點沒有答完,就不是很理想了。加之台灣的學生不太「愛講話」,錄音時緊張,不知道該說什麼,都會使得我們耽誤時間,說不完。

其實如果這 2 ~ 3 個理由表達的足夠好,就足以讓Rater給我們一個相對滿意的分數了。


2. well-developed & coherent:
我們在每給出一個理由後,都需要緊接著講一些細節來支援我們的觀點,這樣才能保證答案的完整性並更容易讓人理解。當然,這裡也要注意整個 presentation 的結構和框架 (format)。


以這 Task One 題目為例:Describe a person that you would like to spend time with?
首先第一步我們要給出一個明確的主題如:I would like to spend time with my friend Jane.

I’d like to describe…
As far as I am concerned…
XXX, I think, is the … that I would like to…
For me, ….等等,

說完主題句,下面我們就要以 2、3 個理由來進行分析了。
第一條理由可以是:She is really a nice person.
第二條是:We have a lot in common.


以第二個理由為例,理由表述可以說:Another reason that makes me like to stay with her is that we have a lot in common.
後的細節表述為:For example, we all enjoy watching American TV series. And we will share our favorite parts or actors if we have time. This brings us a lot of fun.

在剛剛的回答中有一些連接詞:Another reason、For example、And… 等,

類似的還有:In the first second place、First of all、the first second reason is that…、Moreover、In addition、Besides… 等等。
當然用我們比較熟悉的 and 和 also 都是可以的。大家別小看這些連接詞,運用得當,會使我們的答案脈絡清晰,幫助我們拿到較好的分數。





有個學生他的分數段是 fair 三道類型題,
就是1到6題他的分數全是 fair也就是 2.5 到 3.0 ,那麼他的分數在 19 分。

他的分數也是全部都是 fair,但是他的分數是在 23 分。
所以可想而知,fair 這個分數段基本上是 19 到 23 分的這麼一個分數段。

如果想突破 23 分以上,那麼你就需要有一個 good 的 level,
good 的 level 它的分數段是 3.5 到 4.0 分,
也就是說你 6 道題當中至少有兩道題能夠在 3.5 到 4.0 ,
那麼你的總分可能會上到 24 分以上,也許還能夠考到 26 到 30 分的這個分數段。
但是台灣學生普遍拿的分數段都是在 good 、 fair 、 fair ,就已經不錯了。
因為四六題是學術性的話題,那它的language level要求會比較高。



口說技巧 - 【準備托福必勝機經】知己知彼百戰不殆2

🔵 技巧

🔷 Task 1 & Task 2 Familiar topic
Task 1


  1. 拿到這道題建議直接找腦子裡想到的第一個想法,然後細節展開就可以。
  2. 建議用以下的方式:
    Topic Sentence — Supporting Sentence — Example/details 也就是 主題句 + 原因或者目的 + 細節的方式答題。
  3. 掌握好時間的控制,主題句+論點句只需1-2句話


  1. 任何情況下不要使用範本,可以使用 firstly、secondly …等表述邏輯的用詞,但是答問切忌吹牛。
  2. 這道題只說一個點就可以,但是一個點的答題方法存在一定的風險性,比如例子過於冗長。有些題目比如問性格隨著時間而變化這種可以答自己的過去和現在的對比,這種題可以答一個點。
    主題句 Topic Sentence + 解釋 How/What/Why+分析 1-2句話
  3. 有沒有結尾無所謂,說不完也並不影響,關鍵是細節要出來。

Task 2

🔹 答題要點:

  1. 一定要選擇一方面,因為這樣更好展開,中立態度不但兩邊都要照顧,同時也無法展開。
  2. 這道題依然才用兩點論,方式依然是採用 Topic Sentence — Supporting Sentence — Example/details
    也就是同意或者不同意 + 原因1 + 具體例子1 + 原因2 + 具體例子2。
  3. 考官不會因為你選擇的觀點不一樣而扣分,因此拿到題後腦子裡想到的觀點就是最好的觀點。


答題建議使用 主題句 + 論據 + 具體例子 的方法。

目前獨立口語分成 四大類 + 一個雜項分類:人物、地點、活動、物品,還有其他各種雜項,可以按照下面的分類進行準備。

🔹 人物類:
🔸 性格:

  1. Knowledgeable
    題目: Describe one knowledgeable teacher.
  2. Creative.
    題目:Which one of the following characteristics do you admire most? (Creative, intelligence, courageous)
  3. Honest
    題目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that people should always tell the truth?
  4. Humorous
    題目:What do your friends admire you most? (Humorous)
  5. Optimistic
    題目:Do you like people when they are optimistic?

🔸 名人

  1. Who is your least favorite singer? 
  2. Who is your favorite singer?


  1. Computer and internet
    題目: Describe the most important inventions in 100 years. (computer and internet)
    1. online shopping 
      題目: talk about the disadvantage and advantage of online shopping.
    2. cellphone
      題目 1: talk about the benefits that cellphone brings to people.
      題目 2:Should cellphone to allowed to bring into classrooms?
    3. Playing computer games
      題目: do you agree or disagree that playing computer games is a waste of time.
  2. most memorable picture
    題目: Describe your most memorable picture and explain why it is memorable to you.
  3. most memorable gift
    題目: Describe your most memorable gift and explain why it is memorable to you.
  4. Ideal job
    題目: If you can choose any jobs you want, which would you pick?
  5. Food
    題目: What is your favorite type of food?
  6. Cloth
    題目: Talk about one interesting type of cloth in your country.
  7. Books and ebooks.
    題目: Some colleges decide to replace paper books with ebooks,what do you think?
  8. Favorite subject
    題目: describe your favorite subject.
  9. the most favorite type of music/movie/books
    題目:the least favorite type of music/movie/books
  10. skill
    題目:describe one skill that you want to learn.
  11. Transportation
    題目: Most effective/enjoyable transportation; how to improve public transportation in your country.

🔹 地點

  1. City
    題目:Talk about one city that you have always wanted to visit but never visited before.
  2. Park
    題目: Describe your favorite place for outdoor activities. (Park)
  3. Library
    題目:Describe your most favorite library and explain why do you like this library.
  4. Restaurant
    題目: Talk about your most favorite restaurant
  5. Museum
    題目:Your friend is going to visit the museum in your city. What would you like your friend to pay attention to.

🔹 活動

  1. Sport
    • What sport do you like most and explain why do you like this sport.
    • Describe one time you have failed something and explain how did you fail it. (sport)
    • Describe the most difficult skill that you have learned. (sprot skill, such as dribbling, crossover, sprint, etc)
  2. Public event
    題目:Talk about one social or political event that happened recently in your country.
  3. Volunteer work
    題目:If you could do one thing for your community, what would you do.
  4. Difficulties
    題目:describe/problem/how to solve/who helped you/social difficulties for students
  5. Celebration
    題目: Describe the most memorable celebration you ever had in a restaurant and explain why it is memorable to you.

🔹  其他

  1. Environment: improve/method/air pollution
  2. Suggestions:
    time/ grades/ speech/ difficult class/ major/ laptops in classrooms/ foreigner/ interview/ job/ extra money/ open restaurant
  3. Future life/ goal; Future change; Life stages


🔷 Task 3 & Task 4 integrated speaking
Task 3
🔹 答題要點

  • 在描述本題的過程中,一律不允許加如自己的觀點
  • 考生並不需要將聽力中的觀點一一陳述出來,因為比較困難,只需提供大概談論者的主要觀點opinion支撐他們觀點的理由reasons& example
  • 考生要注意看問題,是讓你描述女人的觀點還是男人的觀點,還是他們的觀點。問題是問男人就回答男人的觀點,如果是女人就回答女人的觀點,如果問的是they那就回答他們觀點的difference and similarity

🔹 題目舉例
The students express their opinions about the announcement by the university president State their opinions an explain the reasons they give for holding their opinions.

Notice of Vote on Campus Food Service(Delta 308頁)
Students are encouraged to vote on the university’ s proposal to change the food service on campus. Students should vote for which of two options they prefer. Option 1 would expand the main cafeteria in the Student Center, including the addition of more food choices and more dining space; this option would also close the two snack bars on campus. Option 2 would close the cafeteria in the Student Center But would maintain the two snack bars, and would add five food service areas across campus, including two cafes, a deli, a barbecue grill, and a fine dining room.


如何去讀文章 - 【準備托福必勝機經】知己知彼百戰不殆2

🔹 如何去讀文章

  1. 掌握讀的關鍵詞和關鍵句
    (關鍵詞如announcement、 notice、proposal etc. 常出現在標題首句中)
  2. 搞清句子間的邏輯關係

🔹 記筆記的技巧
🔸 閱讀部分

  1. 首先記住閱讀文章的題目
  2. 按照邏輯思路,記錄文章關鍵點而非細枝末節(主要是名詞

🔸 閱讀筆記
Notice of Vote on Campus Food Service
Option 1:expand the cafeteria close 2 snack bars
Option 2:close the cafeteria maintain 2 snack add 5 food service areas

🔸 聽對話後
聽力部分 TIPS
做筆記時從以下三個方面進行記錄:topic主旨sub-points or supporting details分論點signal words or transitions信號詞

⭐ 記住是男聲,還是女聲,做一個MW的標記,主要是為接下來闡述的過程中he /she的自由轉換做好定位,也要聽問題問的誰的觀點,否則沒有定位,考官會感到confused. 自然你的高分夢想就敬而遠之了。
⭐ 格外注意名詞及修飾名詞的核心形容詞或者動詞

之後對reading 裡的態度,是支持還是反對,因為語言都是現成的,所以只記錄一個符號,+ 或 – 就可以了。

  1. Reason 1/ R1: ___________________
  2. Reason2/ R2: ___________________
  3. Reason3/ R3: ___________________ (有時沒有R3)

⭐ 如果兩個人在討論一個事情,觀點互相不同,或者彼此說話的份量沒有一邊倒的情況,那麼最後有可能會問「他們的觀點
⭐ 如果兩個人對話的過程中一個人只是起著承接話題的作用,沒有形成兩個人不同的觀點,基本上最後會問另外一個人的觀點及理由

▪ 聽力筆記
so crowd: food line place
bike racks: no place
eating places: convenient less crowding food choice

Sample Answers:
In the reading material, there is a notice of vote on campus foodservice. The student are encouraged to vote on two options on this issue. the first one is to expand the cafeteria and close the two snack bars. The second one is to close the cafeteria, maintain the two snack and add five food service areas. (控制在15-20秒為好)

In the listening material, the man’s opinion about the campus foodservice is that Option2 is better for the following reasons:
First, he points out that the cafeteria is too crowded at lunch time so the student have to wait along in the food line. What’s more, there is always no place to sit.

Also, he says that there are no bike racks and he have no place to put his bike.  Last but not least, he believes that having more eating places is more convenient. that is to say, it will be less crowding and the students will gain more food choice like barbecue.

▪ 做題方法

  1. 聽讀觀點一致版
    In the reading material, we learn that the college/university is considering       .  In the listening material, the man/woman agrees with (thinks … is right)       .One reason he/she gives is that       . Another reason is that       . He/ She also thinks (points out/ has found) that       . (如果有的話) Therefore, he/she likes the idea.
  2. 聽讀觀點對立版
    In the reading material, the college/university is considering       . In the listening material, we clearly learn that the man/woman doesn’t like the idea of/that       (of +V-ing.  that +clause) One reason he/she gives is that       . Another reason is that       . He/She also thinks(points out/has found) that       .(如果有的話) Therefore, he/she disagrees with that opinion.


Task 4
NO .4 (Reading—listening–speaking): academic course topic  lecture-based, academic topic.

🔹 答題要點

  1. 熟悉常考的背景的 academic 詞彙 short passage about an academic subject: life science(生命), physical science(自然科學) and the humanities(人文). (no outside knowledge is needed)
  2. 讀文章:通常閱讀部分是一個definitionexplanation
  3. 聽力文章:以讀材料的核心容為起點,展開討論一些問題:擴展事例,舉反例,運用閱讀文章中的概念
     points 和 examples 兩個板塊構成。所以在記筆記的時候,主要記這兩點。


🔹 OG 217頁 Animal Domestication
🔸 閱讀筆記如下:
Animal domestication(再次出現就用 AD 表示)
Agricultural work and transportation → ❌ easily dome-ed
non-territorial(再次出現就用 TERR 表示)
hierarchical social structure(再次出現就用 HSS 表示)

🔸 聽力內容:

  1. topic主題
  2. major points分論點或者主要觀點
  3. examples and figures例子和數據
  4. signal words or transitions信號詞,判斷邏輯關係🔸 閱讀材料:
    1. 首先記住閱讀文章的題目!
    2. 按照邏輯思路,記錄文章關鍵點而非細枝末節(主要是名詞

🔸 聽力筆記如下
Topic: Suitability of AD
Examples 後面的例子直接就會問到例子的具體內容!!!

male females young fellow
lead of horse
❌ fight off same territory

√ fight territory
❌ horse behavior
❌ HSS (Hierarchical social structure)
❌ follow leader
❌ control

signal words or transitions(信號詞,判斷邏輯關係): for example this is way but also

Sample Answers:
In this set of materials, The reading passage introduces something about the animal domestication. We know from the passage that non-territorial animals and the animals of hierarchical social structure are easy to be tamed.  In the listening passage, the professor goes on to demonstrate it by introducing two examples. first, he takes horse for example, the dominant female and young will follow the leading male and they are followed by other females and young.. Also, the horse won’t fight off, even though they stay in the same territory. Second, he says that unlike the horses, the antelope is not easy to be tamed. They will fight in the same territory. Moreover, hierarchical social structure is not exist so they won’t follow their leaders and they are hard to be domesticated.

🔸 做題方法
The reading passage gives the definition of… (關鍵的抽象詞)
the reading passage describes the phenomenon / the problem/the process… (關鍵的抽象詞)
The reading passage introduces a conception… (關鍵的抽象詞)

In the listening passage, the professor gives a talk on       . First, he brings up the fact that       . Furthermore he goes on to further explain that       . By these means, he proves that       .


策略 - 【準備托福必勝機經】知己知彼百戰不殆2
策略 – Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Task 5
這道是 Problem and Solution (P&S) 題。

  1. 一般是關於 campus-related situation,兩個人討論 a problem and two possible solutions.
    The problem 一般是關於 scheduling conflicts, unavoidable absences, unavailable resources, student elections, financial difficulties, and so forth.
  2. 題目要求是「briefly describe the problem that was discussed in the conversation and to state which of the two solutions you prefer, and finally to explain why you prefer that solution」。
  3. 其中的 reason 可以是材料中提到的,也可以是自己的類似經歷。

聽 60 ~ 90 秒,準備 20 秒,說 60 秒。

🔹 策略
⭐ student-related problem and solutions
 3/4轉述 + 1/4的個人觀點選擇,技術含量6個題目中最低。
⭐ 另外,要熟悉人物。人物角色通常分三種情況:S1-S2 / S-P / S- O
(S代表 student、P 代表 professor、O –other staff member 就是教務人員,包括TA、advisor、librarian、administrator… 等等。)
比如 S1-S2 類型的要說 the man 或 male student、the woman 或female student;其他兩個類型要具體說 the professor… 、 the advisor… 等等。


Problem:       (切記:要註明是M/W,還是兩個人共同both)面對的問題, 這種情況會出現,儘管幾率較小。
Solution 1:       (是another male/female student, professor或其他人員提出的,還是兩個人一起提出的)
Solution 2:       (同Solution1)
Your preference and explanations:      



  1. 問題不用聽!每次都一樣!省下10~15秒整理筆記。
    考試的問題必然包括四個部分:描述問題,列舉解決方案,說自己的選擇及原因 。
  2. Problem 往往不是單純的,而是複雜矛盾的,分幾個回合說完
  3. 第五題整體不難,規律性很強,但是要注意的是回答部分:描述問題,列舉解決方案,說自己的選擇及原因。

🔹 問題全部都是
The students discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.


🔹 做題方法:
In the conversation (In this listening material), the man has a problem with his schedule / report / essay / roommate / course(聽的時候判斷到底是哪方面的問題,一句話描述遇到的困難是什麼,一般是一句轉折句。)

He couldn’t figure out what to do next / how to do sth
The woman/professor gives him two solutions/options(基本上是2個solution)

The first one is that… (概括,不用具體化)
Another suggestion the professor/woman gives is that… (概括,不用具體化)

To my way of thinking, I still believe the second choice is better for the following reasons: (自己的建議)

Firstly, this problem will not be tackled completely if the man choose the first suggestion and the woman may confront the same problem in the future. Also, I have once faced the same situation as the man does. I choose to…(加第二個建議)and I made it finally.(這兩個理由為萬能理由,回答這個問題最好參考口語第二題但是無需舉例,如果實在想不起來再用這兩個理由)


🔸 第一個人描述困難的句型
but / however The problem is…
I need help with…
I’m having trouble…
I can’t figure out…
have no idea I wonder if…

🔸 建議的的判斷句型,一般是在聽力文章中出現:
You need to / could / should…
You’d better…
Try to…
Why don’t you…
If I were you, I might…
It you…, it will…


 🔹 OG 222頁題

Sample answer:
In this listening material, the woman has a problem with all her work which contains a paper, two exams and many math problem so the man couldn’t figure out what to do.  The man gives her two solutions. The first one is that she could talk to some of her professors maybe she could get an extension. Another suggestion the man gives is that she should make as schedule.  To my way of thinking, I still believe the second choice is better for the following reasons: Firstly, this problem will not be tackled completely if the man chooses the first suggestion(或者to talk to her professors) and the woman may confront the same problem in the future. Also, I have once faced the same situation as the woman does. I choose to make myself a schedule so that I always know what to do next and I made it finally.

🔸 做題方法

  1. 兩人共同問題版:(儘管是兩個人共同面對的問題,也是一個人唱,一個人合)
    This is a discussion between two students who       . The male/female student is trying to decide whether to       . or to       . One of the solutions the two students come up with is that       . The other solution is       . I tend to agree with the second(通常你要同意的那個solution 放在第二位) solution because if he/she       (用虛擬表達,were to+V. V-ed), he /she would       .
    And he/she would also       .
  2. 一人問題一人方案版
    The discussion is between       . and       . The (male/female) student is telling his/her friend (professor, advisor etc.) about       . His/Her friend (professor, advisor etc.) suggests he/ she       . (此空也為虛擬表達必須用動詞原形)
    He/She(提出方案人的人稱,就是friend、professor、 advisor之類的)also tells her/him(問題人的人稱,通常與提出方案人的性別是相反的,所以he 與her 相對, She 與him 相對。這裡不要混淆。)
    she/he should _________________.


Task 6
🔹 介紹

這題是 Summary 題型。

形式是聽一段學術方面(life science, social science, physical science, and the humanities)的 lecture。
問題一般是「explain the main concept or issue of the lecture, using points and examples that were given in the lecture」。

聽 60 ~ 90 秒,準備 20 秒,說 60 秒。

🔹 本題特點:

  1. 這個題目非常講究條理,基本上,先會總結下要講的內容(也就是中心句),然後分為幾個層次講,做筆記的時候要注意層次清楚
  2. 講座可以關於程式概念理論觀點現象
    • 如果是描述一個現象,講座可以通過結實他的原因和結果來描述這個現象
    • 如果講座關於一個程式,教授可以通過描述他的一些功能來結實這個程式
    • 如果講座是關於一個理論,教授可能通過描述他的運用來解釋這個理論
  3. 考生無須重複講座中所有的資訊,但是考生需要提供主幹資訊保證沒有聽過講座的人也能夠知道講座在講什麼大概內容!!

🔹 答題要點:

  1. 弄清教授的講話思路,就是美國人的論證思維模式,即 Topic – Point – Detail – Example的總分模式。
    Topic 分成幾個 Points 來說,幾個 Details 構成大並列來闡述一個 Point,幾個 Examples 又構成小並列說明一個 Detail,像洋蔥式的層層剖開。
  2. 熟悉講話內容,通常分以下三種類型:
    1. 現象-例子型 (phenomenon – examples)  即: 提出現象-例子闡述
    2. 理論-應用型  (theory – applications)  即:介紹理論-論述應用
    3. 過程-功能型  (process – functions)  即:描述過程-解釋功能

但是有的 lecture 不這麼規則化, 會把三種情況綜合到一起。
因此,該題也沒有固定的範本, OG224頁例題:

Sample answer:
In this listening material, the professor talks about something about America’s history. To begin with, He says that many years ago, there was a little difference between people in different places. That is because of the lack of communication. What’s more, he mentioned that it is automobile and radio that changed this situation. One the one hand, the automobiles is available gradually so that Americans in small town and rural communities can travel to big cities easily. For example, people in small towns began to adopt something popular in big cities. On the other hand, the radioownership is increasing. In this way, people can listen to the same popular radio program and they use the same phrases and speech pattern which was learned in the radio program. At the same time, they share the same news report of the country.


🔹 OG224頁

Sample answer:
In this listening material, the professor talks about something bout money. To begin with, he says that money is something which you can use to make purchases. What’s more, he mentioned that coins and bills are only one form of money. People exchange goods and services for coins and bills and obtain another goods and services. Or example, the taxi driver uses the five dollars he earns to buy some vegetables from the farmer. At last, he discusses that coins and bills are not the only form of money. Some societies use the barter system. For example, the drive can give a ride to the farmer to get the vegetables directly.

🔸 策略

⭐ In the lecture, the professor discusses/ argues/ demonstrates…
⭐ To begin with, he says that + 問題討論的背景
⭐ What’s more, he mentioned that + 討論主題 Finally, he discusses that

🔸 做題方法

  • In the lecture, the professor
    talks about/ discusses/ argues/ demonstrates/ explain
  • 如果文章中討論的是一個理論,那麼:
    The theory came about (產生)because     . And the theory can be applied to the following situations. (任何的理論都是應用於實踐)
  • 如果文中討論的是一個概念定義,那麼:
    This concept/definition falls into the following     categories.
    The professor also provided the following examples to illustrate this concept of     .
    The first example is     ; The second example is     .
  • 如果文章中討論的是一個現象,那麼:
    This phenomenon is caused by     . And this phenomenon will have an effect on the following things.




寫作 - 【準備托福必勝機經】知己知彼百戰不殆2

🔵 題型


  • Integrated Writing 整合作文
    要求考生用三分鐘先看一段文章,再聽一段兩分鐘左右的聽力材料,然後在二十分鐘內寫一篇150 —225字左右的文章。
  • Independent Writing 獨立作文

🔵 評分標準

🔷 整合題

🔷 獨立題

  • 語言的使用
  • 語言的組織
  • 語言的擴展


🔷 寫作重點
如果考生仔細閱讀 OG,就會發現其實 OG 至少 80% 的題目問法都非常單一,如:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

從上面的例子可以看出,這兩道題的問法都提到了 Do you agree or disagree? 也就是說, TOEFL 獨立做題的審題非常簡單,你只要在二者中選其一,就可以作為你立意的方向,然後再根據這個立意選擇支撐的觀點成文。即便題目沒有按這個套路問話,我們也可以轉變成為可以選擇的兩點來做題。


這裡建議可以根據 185 題的傳統題庫分類找到這一類題目,然後加以練習。但無論如何, TOEFL考試 的獨立做題題目都需要考生擁有較強的拓展和想像力,對於備考時間比較緊的考生,建議可以參照範文來拓展思路。最好可以在每看完一部分範文後做一些筆記,以備考前復習。


🔹 結構把握
independent writing 要求在 30 分鐘內完成 200 個字以上,而在實際考試中,考生寫到 250+ 是比較合適的字數。要在短短 30 分鐘內完成 250+ 字數的作文,考生必須在下筆之前就想好一套清晰的結構,然後把審題過程中羅列好的枝幹點填充進去,加以具體的論述和舉例,形成豐滿的文章。

🔸 第一部分為introduction, 這個部分必須至少包含以下內容:

  • 一個是對題目的重述 (restatement),以及作者支持或者反對的觀點 (opinion),對於語言功底不是很紮實想要在字數上保證得分的同學,可以補充一個觀點預告(layout)。
  • 第二部分就是主體 (body) 部分了,這個部分可以把內容按分類法分成兩到三個可以支援的大觀點,再在大觀點的基礎上列出supporting sentence。
  • 最後一部分是 conclusion,這部分可以通過適當的方式重申觀點以加強作者的支持態度,也可以在重述觀點的基礎上進行相當的延伸和深化主題的推論。結尾部分不應因為時間不夠而完全省略


🔷 考試技巧

  • 抓到文章主題
  • 聽力作筆記


🔷 基本做題技巧:
五段三點式結構,即Introduction 一段,Body三段,和Conclusion一段。

  • 一般第一段會用2~4句話陳述自己的觀點,大約60字左右。
  • 第2到4段從三個方面論述自己的觀點,每段約100字。
  • 結尾段用1~3句話總結自己的觀點,大約40個字。

開頭段開頭段主要用以下幾種方法來組織,即背景法 (Background)爭議法(Controversy)提問法(Question)故事法(Story)引言法(Quotation)



🔹 背景法開頭段的結構通常如
背景(1~3句)論題 反方觀點 (反方理由)過度 (正方觀點)作者的觀點 作者的理由

以2007年8月11日的獨立寫作試題為例:Technology makes people’s lives more complicated.

Technology has had tremendous impacts on every aspect of modern life. However, people are having conflicting opinions about whether it has made people’s lives more complicated or not. I believe technology has by and large made our lives more convenient。



🔹 中間段落的文章結構通常如下:
Transitional words + topic sentence + development

Transitional words主要有以下三種,即

  • 對比:in contrast、 in comparison
  • 並列Besides、 in addition
  • 順序Firstly、 secondly、 finally (last but not least)





🔹 通常主題句應該注意一下幾點:

  1. 主題句必須是陳述句
    有的考生想在做題中創新,於是採用反問句或者其他看似多樣化的題目,然 而這種多樣性帶來的後果是給考官觀點不明確的印象,很自然地會影響到分數。
  2. 態度必須堅決,但是不能極端。
  3. 必須表明觀點
  4. 每段必須有主題句,理論上講沒有主題句是可以的,但是考場上不可以,沒有主題就會浪費考官的時間去幫你總結主題,然而繁忙的考官是不會那麼善良地去分析你的題目來抓取你的觀點的。


🔶 整合寫作的邏輯





以 TPO 22 為例:
First, the increased use of ethanol fuel would not help to solve one of the biggest environmental problems caused by gasoline use: global warming. Like gasoline, ethanol releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when it is burned for fuel and carbon dioxide is greenhouse gas: it helps trap heat in the atmosphere. Thus, ethanol offers no environmental advantage over gasoline.
(Reading的第一個觀點:releases carbon dioxide in the process of using ethanol fuel→ not good to the environment)


First, the increased use of Ethanol fuel will not add to global warming.聽力的第一個觀點) It’s true that when Ethanol is burned, it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,轉陳述讀的第一個點的理由。)but信號詞,接下去的就是聽力的反駁點。) as you read, Ethanol is often made from plants such as corn. Well, the process of growing the plants counteracts this release of carbon dioxide. Let me explain.具體解釋明前一句的抵消作用。即使你一開始沒有聽出來counteract,綜合也會將重點再次解釋給你聽~~) Every growing plant absorbs carbon dioxide from the air as part of its nutrition. So growing plants for Ethanol production actually removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

如果說 TPO 22 第一點的閱讀中細節只是輔助支撐,對於聽力的理解幫不上太大的忙,那麼第二點的閱讀細節卻可以幫助你去理解聽力部分在說些什麼:


Second, the production of significant amounts of ethanol would dramatically reduce the amount of plants available for uses other fuel.(Reading的第二個觀點:reduce the amount of plants which is used to produce other fuel.(in other part))For example細節點補充論證reading,解釋明主題句,幫助理解), much of the corn now grown in the United States is used to feed farm animals such as cows and chickens. It is estimated that if ethanol were used to satisfy just 10 percent of the fuel needs in the United States, more than 60 percent of the corn currently grown in the united stated would have to be used to produce ethanol. If most of the corn were used to produce ethanol, a substantial source of food for animals would disappear.聽力就此點反駁)


同樣地,如果你一時沒有聽懂一個詞,比如在 TPO 22 第一點的 counteract 一開始沒有聽懂,那麼這時你不要慌張,因為對於重點,綜合寫作的聽力會反復解釋~~例如上文中的 Let me explain~~又比如第三點聽力中的:studies show that,他都是通過例子、換詞解釋,來使得你彌補自己沒有聽到的重點。

TPO 中的綜合寫作,但凡是較新的,你會發現這樣一個現象:聽力部分肯定,那麼你完全可以有這麼一個寫作思路:

  1. 總起句:奠定整個的基調——聽力反駁閱讀的何種觀點。
  2. 支撐描述:敍述聽力承認閱讀的部分。
  3. 支撐描述:轉折——用聽力去反駁閱讀。
  4. 得出結論

同樣地,以tpo 22為例:

Firstly, the professor points out that ethanol fuel do not add to the global warning. 或者Firstly, the professor refutes the idea that the increasing use of ethanol will add to global warming.

this carbon dioxide would be absorbed by the plants as a source of nutrient later, since ethanol are made by plants such as corn. That is to say, the growing plants counteract the release of carbon dioxide.

Even though at first process, just like what has descibed in the reading, carbon dioxide would be released into the atmosphere when it is burn.

In this situation, contrary to reading’s concern, the ethanol would not do harm to the environment.得出reading is not convincing

Q5: 關於開頭
我是主張直接表明聽力 professor 的態度的,直接就說 Professor disagree with… 類似與這種的,算是定下一個基調;同時你也可以將 3 個理由概述一番,使得前後更連貫,當然不概述也是可以的。



🔷 三個簡便方法助你TOEFL寫作拿高分

方法一:舉實例 - 【準備托福必勝機經】知己知彼百戰不殆2
方法一:舉實例 – Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash



方法:寫完一個要點,比較與之相似的;又寫完一個要點,再比較與之相反的;世界上沒有同樣的指紋,沒有相同的樹葉,文章亦同,只有通過比較,你才會發現二者的相同點(through comparison)和不同點(through contrast)。

  • 相似的比較:
    in comparison、likewise、similarly、in the same manner
  • 相反的比較:
    on the other hand、 conversely、whereas、while、 instead、 nevertheless、 in contrast、 on the contrary、 compared with…


實際就是重複重複再重複!下面的句子實際上就三個字 I love you!
I am enthusiastic about you. That is to say, I love you.
I am wild about you. In other words, I have fallen in love with you.

或者上面我們舉過的例子:I cannot bear it.
可以用片語表達:I cannot put up with it.
因此可以這樣說:I cannot bear it. That is to say, I cannot put up with it or I am fed up with it.






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